Flu Vaccincation
Protect yourself by getting the flu jab, find out if you are eligible for the FREE NHS flu jab.
At Greywell pharmacy, we understand how important it is to look after our wider community, that’s why we offer the flu vaccination, to help ensure not only are you healthy and protected but others around you are too.
The best time to have the flu vaccine is in the autumn or early winter before flu starts spreading, but you can get the vaccine later.
We offer a flu vaccination, & is given free on the NHS to people who:
Are 65s and over.
Have certain health conditions
Are pregnant
Are in long-stay residential care
Receive a carer's allowance, or are the main carer for an older or disabled person who may be at risk if you get sick
Live with someone who is more likely to get infections (such as someone who has HIV, has had a transplant or is having certain treatments for cancer, lupus or rheumatoid arthritis)
Frontline health or social care workers
Flu vaccine for people with long-term health conditions
The flu vaccine is offered free on the NHS to anyone with a serious long-term health condition, including:
respiratory conditions, such as asthma (needing a steroid inhaler or tablets), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), including emphysema and bronchitis
heart conditions, such as coronary heart disease or heart failure
being very overweight – a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or above
liver disease, such as hepatitis
some neurological conditions, such as Parkinson's disease, motor neurone disease, multiple sclerosis (MS), or cerebral palsy
problems with your spleen like sickle cell disease, or if you've had your spleen removed
a weakened immune system as a result of conditions such as HIV and AIDS, or taking medicines such as steroid tablets or chemotherapy
Do I need the Flu jab every year?
Yes. A flu vaccine is needed every year for two reasons, one is your immune protection from vaccination gradually decreases over time, and secondly, flu viruses are constantly changing, therefore vaccines are updated to protect against the viruses that research indicates will be most common during the upcoming flu season, just another reason to keep up to date and get your flu jab every year.
How effective is the Flu vaccine?
The flu vaccine helps protect against the main types of flu viruses, if you do get flu after vaccination, it's likely to be milder and not last as long, It will also reduce the chance of you spreading flu to other people who may be at a high risk of serious problems from the flu. The flu jab can take 10 to 14 days for the flu vaccine to work.
How much does the Flu jab cost?
If you're not eligible for a free NHS flu vaccination, you can still protect yourself with a private flu vaccine.
Call and book your Flu jab today with us.